How to use Step1?
Step1 helps you know your HIV status by assessing your current health needs and booking appointments for HIV and sexual health services in Nairobi. Begin on the homepage and play the short game to see if you should know your HIV status. When you finish the game, you will receive a tailored recommendation for HIV services and the option to book an appointment directly or chat online with a counselor. After booking, you continue to step 2 and arrive at the clinic for your appointment and reach step 3 where you can recieve any test results and next steps from a doctor or counselor at the clinic.
Our services
Step1 offers clients the following services:
- Play game to self-assess your sexual health needs and receive tailored recommendation for HIV services.
- Book appointments for HIV and STI services at community health centers and private clinics
- Access medical services including standard HIV testing, STI screening and treatment from a medical professional, HIV treatment (ART), and PrEP - a daily pill to prevent HIV.
- Online counseling with a trained counselor
Use Step1 to book medical services at private providers or community health centers. Explore the options below:
- Private providers are paid service providers offering sexual health and many other services. Step1 offers referrals to private providers that are members of the Gold Star Kenya network. Clients like private providers because they are inclusive to all populations and have high assurance of confidentiality because clients from all background access these services for all kinds of purposes. Typically, private providers have shorter wait times and fewer people in the waiting room. Access 3rd generation HIV testing at these private providers (along with a range of other services).
- Community health centers are also called “drop-in centers” that offer free services and specialize in the sexual health needs of certain populations at highest risk to HIV. These spaces are run by community members and are a safe space where clients of the community can feel free to talk about their sexual health needs and access other community resources. Access PrEP exclusively at these community health centers (along with a range of other services depending on location).
Client confidentiality
Use Step1 to help you find sexual health services tailored to your unique needs. By playing this game, you provide some information that helps tailor your journey to your needs. Step1 maintains the confidentiality and privacy of client information in the following ways:
- Responses to game questions: Playing the game and responding to questions about your gender, HIV testing history, sexuality, and HIV risk behaviors will help you receive more relevant recommendations. Your responses to these questions are not shared with the clinics where you book appointments and your responses will not be used by our staff to identify you personally.
- Phone number: To book an appointment, Step1 requires a valid cell phone number to ensure clients can receive free follow-up services from a confidential virtual counselor. This service is always a component of high-quality HIV services, so all clients can access their preferred HIV prevention and treatment services.
- Test results: HIV test results are shared directly from the clinic to the client and not shared with Step1 staff. Clients can choose whether to share their test results with the Step1 counselors who can provide them tailored follow-up services, counseling and referrals.
- Clinical partners: Step1 refers clients to community health centers or private providers who follow NASCOP guidelines and are regulated by the Ministry of Health.
Key HIV facts and tips
- Only 1 in 3 Kenyans know their HIV status. Can you say #Iam1in3?
- 53% of Kenyans who test positive arrived for a test thinking they were HIV negative. What do you think of your status?
- The most common way to get HIV in Kenya is through unprotected sex. Assess your risk with our game on Step1.
- Testing is simple! Use Step1 for simple, fast, and confidential HIV testing.
- Going for an HIV test can make you surer about your sexual health for increased confidence in your sex life.
- Re-test whenever you are concerned or every 3 to 6 months
- PrEP is available in Kenya! PrEP is a daily pill allowing you to become virtually immune to HIV. You can book an appointment for PrEP on Step1.
- Treatment is key! Today, people living with HIV and taking treatment life as long as someone uninfected. Treatment is available for free in Kenya. You can book an appointment for HIV treatment on Step1.
- Undetectable = Untransmittable. People living with HIV can take HIV treatment to suppress the HIV virus to a point where they cannot transmit!
- Test positive today, start treatment tomorrow. Immediate initiation of HIV treatment results in the best long-term health outcomes.
Our story
Step1 is made possible with generous support of US taxpayers through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Step1 was developed in collaboration with community service organizations in Kenya. An HIV project called LINKAGES operates the Step1 platform. The LINKAGES project aims at accelerating the ability of governments and organizations working with people who are at-risk of HIV to plan and implement services that reduce HIV transmission and extend the lives of those already living with HIV.